Numit 5% Cream 10g

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Numit 5% Cream 10g

Numit Cream is a Topical Anaesthetic Option Creating a Skin-Numbing Effect for Common Minor Superficial Medical and Cosmetic Procedures, Needles and Vaccinations, or Other Minor Procedures

Numit contains a harmonious combination of lidocaine 2.5% w/w (also called lignocaine) and prilocaine 2.5% w/w. Studies have shown that this combination of local anaesthetics can penetrate the skin and target nerve endings. This helps stop pain signals from starting and spreading.

Numit provides a topical anaesthetic option for minor procedures, vaccinations and needles, tattoo sessions and removal and minor superficial cosmetic procedures. Numit numbing cream can provide at least 2 hours of local anaesthesia.

Directions: Small areas - Apply 1.5g to 2.0g over 10 cm² of skin for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 5 hours. Larger areas - Use maximum of 60g over 600 cm² of skin for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 5 hours. See pack insert for detailed instructions.

Ingredients: contains:

  • lidocaine (lignocaine) - 2.5% w/w
  • prilocaine - 2.5% w/w
  • carbomer 934P
  • castor oil - ethoxylated hydrogenated
  • water - purified

Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. Do not apply near the eyes. For external use only. Do not use on broken skin. Do not apply to large areas of the body, except on the advice of a medical practitioner. Do not use if you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients listed. If a skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor. Not suitable for premature infants or infants between 0-12 months of age receiving methaemoglobin-inducing agents

Presentation: Each tube contains 10g.


  • Buy Numit x 1 for NZD$24.00
  • Numit Cream is also available in a pack size of 30g - click here to view

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Medicines, herbal remedies and dietary supplements have benefits and may have risks. Always read the instructions carefully and use Numit strictly as directed. If your symptoms continue or you have side effects consult your healthcare professional promptly. - Your New Zealand Online Pharmacy

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