Weleda Skin Food 75ml
$19.00 -
Weleda Arnica Cream 36ml
$23.00 -
Weleda Eczema Cream 36ml
$24.00 -
- Absolute Essentials Therapeutic Plant Oils
- Acne Products
- Amazonia
- Antipodes Skincare
- Allergy
- Antioxidants
- Artemis
- Avene
- Babies
- Beauty
- Blackmores
- Blis Probiotics
- Bone Health
- Brain Function Support
- Breastfeeding
- Burt's Bees
- Cardiovascular System and Circulation
- Children
- Clinicians
- Colostrum
- Comvita
- Cough and Cold
- Covid Supplies
- Coyne Healthcare
- Detox Support
- Deva Vegan
- Digestive System
- Doctors Best
- Dr Organic
- Ear Health
- Enzymes
- Express Tracked Courier
- Ethical Nutrients
- Eye Health
- Fertility
- First Aid
- Fish Oils - Omega 3
- Featured Products
- General Medicine
- Good Health
- Go Healthy
- Green Lipped Mussel
- Harker Herbals
- Healthy Ageing
- Immune Support
- Inner Health Probiotics
- Joint Support
- Karen Murrell Lipsticks
- Kiwi Herb
- Koaka Skincare
- Koru Nutrition
- Life-Space Probiotics
- Lifestream
- Living Nature
- Macular Degeneration
- Manuka Health
- Manuka Honey NZ
- Manuka Hunters NZ Manuka Honey
- Manuka South
- Matakana Skincare
- Menopause
- Me Today
- Men's Health
- MooGoo
- Natracare
- Natural Medicine
- Nature's Sunshine
- Nature's Way
- Nature's Way USA
- Naturies
- New Era Tissue Salts
- Nordic Naturals
- NOW Supplements
- Nutralife
- Nuzest
- NZ Products
- Oasis
- OKU NZ Native Herbal Products
- Olive Skincare
- Om SHE
- Oral Health
- Pain Relief
- Pregnancy
- Probiotics
- Quit Smoking
- Radiance
- Rest&Quiet
- Sanderson
- Sexual Health
- Skincare
- Skybright
- Sleep Support
- Solgar
- Soria Natural
- Sports and Energy
- SRW - Science, Research, Wellness
- Sunscreens
- Superfoods
- Stress Support
- Sven's Island
- Thompson's
- Thursday Plantation
- Trilogy
- Tui Balms
- Vegan
- Weight Management
- Weleda
- Wild Ferns
- Wound and Injury Support
- Women's Health
- Zeosoft
Weleda was founded by humanitarian and philosopher Rudolf Steiner in the 1920s. He also developed the principles of biodynamic farming and anthroposophical medicine, and today many of these principles are still
used to create Weleda products.
Weleda strives to source only the finest ingredients from biodynamic, organic and wild crafted suppliers. We don’t just buy organic ingredients on the open market, we work in partnership with growers to ensure we know where the ingredients are grown, what the soil is like, and how and when the plants are harvested, distilled or processed. It’s our attention to detail that ensures maximum vitality and potency of the ingredients in our products.
It’s for these reasons that Weleda is certified by NATRUE, which has the highest international criteria for natural and organic finished products, not just the ingredients.
Weleda's focus is not only on creating exquisite natural and organic products, but to do so in a way that is ethically, socially and environmentally responsible. For these reasons, the (UEBT) accredited Weleda as a member. Not only do they demand fair trade, but they work to ensure everyone and everything along the entire growing, harvesting and manufacturing process is treated fairly, with care and respect.