Equazen MumOmega Pregnancy Capsules 30

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Equazen MumOmega Pregnancy Capsules 30 

Equazen MumOmega is a Premium Quality Unique Formula Combining Specific Omega-3 (Source of DHA and EPA) and Omega-6 (Source of GLA) Long Chain Fatty Acids That Are Important Before, During and After Pregnancy

Equazen MumOmega Supplementation Provides a Convenient Way to Ensure Sufficient Intake of These Important Fatty Acids Which Play a Key Role in Almost Every Part of Your Body, Ideal to Support Both Mum's and Baby's Health

Essential Fatty Acids - EFA's - All humans do need to consume adequate fats in our diet - fats of the right type however, to provide fatty acids, the building blocks of which fats and oils are produced in the body. Essential Fatty acids (EFA's) are the fatty acids which can not be made by the body and are vital for our health. Every living cell needs essential fatty acids. There are two basic categories of essential fatty acids - omega-3, and omega-6. Omega-3 EFA's are found in fresh deepwater fish, fish oil, wild game meats and certain vegetable oils such as flaxseed and walnut oils - and should not have been subjected to heat, either in the processing or cooking. Omega-6 EFA's are found in raw nuts, seed and legumes and in oils such as primrose, linseed, sesame and soybean oils, which should not have been subjected to heat either. 

The importance of a fatty acid-rich mother-to-be's and breasting mum's diet is well established, especially intake of essential fatty acids, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from Omega-3 Oils, and Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) from Omega-6 oils. The developing baby and the breast-fed infant is dependant upon the availability of these essential fatty acids from the mother. The levels of these nutrients in her blood supply and breast milk depend solely on her dietary intake (as our body's are unable to produce our own omega 3 and 6 fatty acids). The demands for these nutrients remains particularly high in the first few months of life and continues for at least two years after birth, but always remaining an important dietary intake throughout life.

Studies show that maternal diets rich in DHA can have numerous benefits for mother and baby's health. It has been shown to support optimal length of pregnancy and birth weight. DHA has potential in reducing rates of postnatal depression to support mother's well being, and after birth, it supports infant in numerous ways including cognitive development and infant visual acuity

Equazen MumOmega is a high quality source of essential fatty acids (one's your body can not produce), which must be consumed from our food. The oils used in MumOmega are high quality. DHA is from meticulously processed pharmaceutical grade Omega 3 fish oil, sourced from DHA-rich Tuna harvested from the unpolluted southern oceans. Each batch is tested for environmental toxins by independant analysis in compliance with stringent EU/WHO regulations. Omega 6 Evening primrose oil (GLA) seed is also sourced in full compliance with EU/WHO reglations with respect to chemicals, pesticides, or any other harmful chemicals.

Equazen MumOmega contains fatty acids in a natural re-esterised form which is the most bio-available form of fatty acids. This means that these important nutrients are readily available for use by the body and don't rely on factors such as enzyme-dependant conversion before they can be utilized.

Directions: Take one capsule daily, ideally with a meal

Ingredients: Each capsule contains:

  • Omega 3 Fish Oil - 600mg
    • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - 42mg
    • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - 300mg
  • Omega 6 Evening Primrose Oil - 150mg
    • Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) - 15mg
  • Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) - 2.8 mg
  • Gelatin, glycerol, purified water
  • No Additives, flavourings or synthetic compounds

Precautions: Consult your healthcare professional if you are on any medication or if you have a medical condition before starting supplementation. Not suitable for children. Keep Equazen MumOmega out of reach of children. Do NOT take Equazen MumOmega if you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients listed. Take strictly as directed. Equazen MumOmega is not intended to treat or cure any medical condition.

Presentation: Each pack contains 30 capsules.


  • Buy Equazen MumOmega x 1 for NZD$29.00

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Medicines, herbal remedies and dietary supplements have benefits and may have risks. Always read the instructions carefully and use Equazen MumOmega strictly as directed. If your symptoms continue or you have side effects consult your healthcare professional promptly.

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